Viet Nam Sanitary and Phytosaniary Notification Authority and Enquiry Point (Vietnam SPS for short) was established under Decision No. 99/2005/QD-TTg in May 9, 2005 to assist Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development in acting as a main body to perform the transparency-related obligations as required by Agreement on Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Its functions are:
- To notify sanitary and phytosanitary contents and regulations and answer questions thereon;
- To request WTO members to provide information on measures and procedures for risk assessment, on inspection, examination and other relavant sanitary and phytosanitary matters
Vietnam SPS is a unit of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, has the legal person status and its own seal, is entitled to open accounts at the State Bank and the State Treasury according to provision of law.
Vietnam SPS's headquarter is located at the office of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development at No.2 Ngoc Ha Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi.

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