Notice - Notification of VietNam: Regulations on biosafety management of genetically modified crops

WTO code G/SPS/N/VNM/03
Date notice 10/01/2008
Notice type Regular
Title Regulations on biosafety management of genetically modified crops

This Regulation is applied to domestic and foreign organizations, individuals applying for the biosafety certification of GMC (herein referred to as “applicants”). Domestic field trial conductor (herein referred to as “Trial conductor”), organizations, individuals related to risk assessment activities and issue of safety certification for genetically modified crops (GMCs) purposed as plant variety and organizations, individuals, who do the production, trade, import and export of GM plant variety in the territory of Viet Nam 
details DRAFT (unofficial translation) 

Country Viet Nam

File attach:
SPS notification form on GMCs_03.doc
Covered letterGMCs[1]_03.doc

Orther Notice:

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G/SPS/N/VNM/162 - Draft Circular amends, supplements a number of articles of Circular No. 13/2016/TT-BNNPTNT dated 02/6/2016 of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Regulations on the management of veterinary drugs
G/SPS/N/VNM/161 - Draft National Technical Regulation No. QCVN 01-47 : 2024/BNNPTNT on Seed Quality of Open Pollilated Maize (species Zea mays L.).
G/SPS/N/VNM/160 - Draft National Technical Regulation No. QCVN 01-53 : 2023/BNNPTNT on Seed Quality of Hybrid Maize (species Zea mays L.).
G/SPS/N/VNM/159 - Draft National Technical Regulation No. QCVN 01-50: 2024/BNNPTNT on Seed Quality of Three-line Hybrid Rice.
G/SPS/N/VNM/158 - Draft National Technical Regulation No. QCVN 01-51: 2024/BNNPTNT on Seed Quality of Two-line Hybrid Rice
G/SPS/N/VNM/157 - Draft National Technical Regulation on Seed Quality of conventional Rice (species Oryza sativa L.).

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