Notice - Notification of VietNam: National technical regulation on Processing aid

WTO code G/SPS/N/VNM/58
Date notice 29/07/2014
Notice type Regular
Title National technical regulation on Processing aid

Draft national technical regulation on requirements, testing
method, management of processing aids, including regulation for the followings aids:
1. Enzyme immobilization agent and support;
2. Microorganism control agent;
3. Lubricants, release and anti stick agent, moulding aids;
4. Catalysts;
5. Packaging gases;
6. Boiler water additives;
7. Sovents, extractions and process;
8. Clarifying agents/Filtration aids;
9. Ion exchange resins, membranes and molecular sieves;
10. Washing and peeling agents.

Country Viet Nam

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