WTO code Country Date notice Title File attach
G/SPS/N/VNM/114 Viet Nam 10/27/2020 National standards: Chilled meat - Part 3: Poultry meat. Draft of NS Chilled meat Part 3.pdf

G/SPS/N/VNM/113.Add1 Viet Nam 06/30/2020 National technical regulation: Animal feed and ingredients in aquaculture feed - Maximum level of undesirable substances 042020BNNPTNT-VNM113-Add1.pdf

G/SPS/N/VNM/113 Viet Nam 06/16/2020 National technical regulation: Animal feed and ingredients in aquaculture feed - Maximum level of undesirable substances QCVN 01-190.2020.pdf

G/SPS/N/VNM/112 Viet Nam 03/18/2020 Draft Circular for publishing National technical regulation on phytosanitary requirements for imported regulated articles Draft phytosanitary requi imported_VNN112.pdf

G/SPS/N/VNM/111 Viet Nam 02/18/2020 The draft National technical regulation on Wood Preservatives – Part 1: Water-borne Preservatives NTR Wood Preservatives (111).doc

G/SPS/N/VNM/109 Viet Nam 02/14/2020 Draft national technical regulations on sweeteners Drafts of sweeteners.rar

G/SPS/N/VNM/110 Viet Nam 02/14/2020 Amending and supplementing a number of articles of Circular No. 10/2019 / TT-BNNPTNT dated September 20, 2019 of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development on promulgating the List of permitted plant protection products and List of banned plant protection products in Vietnam List of pesticide VNM110.pdf

G/SPS/N/VNM/108 Viet Nam 11/27/2019 National standards: Chilled meat - Part 2: Buffalo meat, beef Chilled meat – Part 2 Buffalo meat, beef.pdf

G/SPS/N/VNM/106.Add1 Viet Nam 09/18/2019 Draft Decree on Guidelines for Implementation of Animal Husbandry Law decree on animal husbandary law-article12.pdf

G/SPS/N/VNM/107 Viet Nam 07/22/2019 Draft Circular on Guidelines for animal feed management, under Viet Nam's Animal Husbandry Law No. 32/2018/QH14. Regulation of Animal Feed draft.docx

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