In August 2020, Australia notified trading partners through the WTO-SPS notification system (G/SPS/N/AUS/502) of its intention to implement phased emergency measures to safeguard Australia against the entry, establishment and spread of khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium) through various pathways. Australia also provided notifications (G/SPS/N/AUS/502/Add.1, Add.2, Add.9, Add.13, Add.14, Add.15) prior to the implementation of each phase of emergency measures.
This addendum is to notify trading partners that on 7 July 2022, Australia is commencing a pest risk analysis (PRA) to assess the risks presented by khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium) through various pathways, evaluate the efficacy of emergency measures, consider ongoing phytosanitary measures, and ensure any ongoing phytosanitary measures are scientifically justified.
This notification provides an opportunity for Australia's trading partners to provide information, with supporting evidence, on the status of khapra beetle in their countries to assist Australia in conducting this pest risk analysis. Information and supporting evidence on pest status should be consistent with ISPM 8: Determination of pest status in an area.
The existing emergency measures for khapra beetle and other Trogoderma species of biosecurity concern associated with stored plant products will remain in place until the pest risk analysis is completed and any recommended ongoing phytosanitary measures are implemented.
This addendum concern: Additional information on the commencement of a pest risk analysis for Khapra beetle.