Notice - Notification of WTO Members: Australia's importing country requirements for phytosanitary certificates from 1 May 2023

WTO code G/SPS/N/AUS/558/Add.2
Date notice 16/05/2023
Notice type Regular
Title Australia's importing country requirements for phytosanitary certificates from 1 May 2023

This notice provides further information to G/SPS/N/AUS/558 by clarifying Australia's importing country requirements for phytosanitary certificates that have been electronically stamped/signed and where they include a QR code or weblink to enable online verification of the document. Australia accepts the following formats of phytosanitary certificates:

1. Original, and certified copies, of phytosanitary certificates (paper or pdf) issued by trading partners that have been dated, stamped and signed. Phytosanitary certificates that do not have a pen-inked signature, printed signature, wet stamp or printed stamp must meet all of the below criteria:

a. A stamp or logo on the document of the exporting NPPO;

b. An electronic signature and/or a statement from the exporting authority that the phytosanitary certificate is electronically signed/approved;

c. A QR code or weblink to enable online verification of the document.

2. Electronic certificates delivered via an agreed, secure government-to-government digital exchange, known as electronic certification or ePhyto/eCert. As of May 2023, Australia currently only has such an arrangement with New Zealand for use in import clearance.

Australia supports the move to electronic certification (ePhyto/eCert) and paperless trade in import clearance. Electronic certification offers assessment efficiencies, improved security and assurance of the validity of documentation when issued via government-to-government electronic exchange.

Countries wishing to send ePhytos/eCerts to Australia are encouraged to contact the department via the Australian IPPC contact point ( to ensure the necessary systems are in place prior to commencing paperless trade.

Paper certification continues to be required until paperless trade is bilaterally negotiated between Australia and the exporting NPPO.

Details are available on the department's website:

This addendum concerns: Modification of content and/or scope of previously notified draft regulation

Country Australia

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Orther Notice:

G/SPS/N/CHN/1315 - National Food Safety Standard of the P.R.C.: Standard for Flavourings
G/SPS/N/CHN/1316 - National food safety standard of the P.R.C: Food additive Erythritol
G/SPS/N/CHN/1317 - National food safety standard of the P.R.C: Food additive Sodium Alginate
G/SPS/N/CHN/1318 - National food safety standard of the P.R.C.: Food additives Brilliant Blue FCF (GB 1886.217-2016) Amendment No. 1.
G/SPS/N/CHN/1319 - National food safety standard of the P.R.C.: Food additive mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids" Amendment No. 1.
G/SPS/N/CHN/1320 - National food safety standard of the P.R.C.: Food additive maltitol and maltitol syrup Amendment No. 2.
G/SPS/N/CHN/1321 - National food safety standard of the P.R.C.: Maximum Levels of Contaminates in Foods (GB 2762-2022) Amendment No. 2.
G/SPS/N/CHN/1322 - National Food Safety Standard of the P.R.C.: Sterilized milk Amendment No. 1
G/SPS/N/EU/798/Corr.1 - Draft Commission Implementing Regulation amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 as regards measures to prevent the presence of the Tomato brown rugose fruit virus on plants for planting of Solanum lycopersicum L. and hybrids thereof and of Capsicum annuum L, establishing the frequency rates of official controls, and repealing Implementing Regulation (EU)2023/1032
G/SPS/N/KOR/810 - Proposed Revision of the "Special Act on Imported Food Safety Control"
G/SPS/N/CHL/792/Add.1 - Resolución Exenta No 6.567/2024: Establece condiciones sanitarias generales para la importación a Chile de productos pecuarios y animales vivos y deroga Resolución Exenta No 1.150 del 2000
G/SPS/N/EU/698/Add.1 - Maximum residue levels for fosetyl, potassium phosphonates and disodium phosphonate in or on certain products
G/SPS/N/GBR/71 - GBHC676 Aquaculture, ornamental and other purposes.
G/SPS/N/JPN/1305 - Ministerial Ordinance for Partial Revision of the Ministerial Ordinance on Compositional Standards, etc. for Feed and Feed Additives (Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries No. 52 of 3 October 2024).
G/SPS/N/BRA/2349 - Draft Resolution 1.287, 11 October 2024
G/SPS/N/EU/701/Add.1 - Maximum residue levels for 1,4-dimethylnaphthalene, difluoroacetic acid (DFA), fluopyram and flupyradifurone in or on certain products
G/SPS/N/EU/773/Add.1 - Use of sorbic acid (E 200) and potassium sorbate (E 202) and the Annex to Commission Regulation (EU) No 231/2012 as regards the specifications for sorbic acid (E 200), potassium sorbate (E 202) and propyl gallate (E 310)
G/SPS/N/BRA/2329/Corr.1 - Rectification in the Ordinance SDA/MAPA No. 1.177, dated 4 September 2024, which amends the phytosanitary requirements for the importation of corn seeds from the United States of America
G/SPS/N/GEO/32 - On the approval of "Rules for state control and other official activities in the fields of food/animal feed safety, veterinary and plant protection"
G/SPS/N/THA/583/Add.1/Corr.1 - The Ministry of Public Health Notification entitled "The Labelling of Pre-packaged foods"
G/SPS/N/BRA/2215/Add.2 - SDA/MAPA ORDINANCE No. 1.183, of 23 September 2024 - Amends SDA/MAPA Ordinance No. 1.180, of 9 September 2024, which establishes the guidelines of the National Programme for Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Programme for the application of official prevention and surveillance measures
G/SPS/N/BRA/2256/Add.2 - Ordinance SDA/MAPA No. 1.186, of 4 October 2024 - Establishes the phytosanitary requirements for the importation of sunflower (Helianthus spp.) propagative material from any origin
G/SPS/N/BRA/2257/Add.1 - Ordinance SDA/MAPA No. 1.185, of 4 October 2024 - Establishes the phytosanitary requirements for the import of sunflower kernel seeds (Helianthus annuus) of any origin
G/SPS/N/BRA/2258/Add.1 - Ordinance SDA/MAPA No. 1.184, of 4 October 2024 - Establishes the phytosanitary requirements for the importation of anigozanthos (Anigozanthos spp.) propagative material from any origin
G/SPS/N/BRA/2316/Add.1 - Draft Resolution 1269, 16 July 2024
G/SPS/N/BRA/2335 - Draft Resolution 1286, 6 October 2024
G/SPS/N/BRA/2336 - Draft Resolution 1284, 27 September 2024.
G/SPS/N/BRA/2337 - Draft Resolution 1285, 27 September 2024
G/SPS/N/CAN/1562/Add.1 - Established Maximum Residue Limit: Dimethenamid
G/SPS/N/MYS/60 - Amendments to the Sixteenth Schedule (Regulation 41) of the Food Regulations 1985 [P.U.(A) 437/1985]. Pesticide Residue
G/SPS/N/CAN/1563/Add.1 - Established Maximum Residue Limits: Metsulfuron-methyl
G/SPS/N/CAN/1577 - Proposed Maximum Residue Limit: Flupyradifurone (PMRL2024-22)
G/SPS/N/RUS/295 - Draft Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission on Amendments to the Common Quarantine Phytosanitary Requirements for Quarantinable Products and Quarantinable Objects at the Customs Border and in the Customs Territory of the EAEU
G/SPS/N/UKR/157/Rev.1/Add.1 - The draft Law of Ukraine "On Grapes and Viticulture Products"
G/SPS/N/USA/3478 - Sulfentrazone; Pesticide Tolerances - Proposed Rule
G/SPS/N/BRA/2308/Add.1 - Draft Resolution 1261, 7 June 2024
G/SPS/N/EGY/39/Add.9 - Wheat (Triticum aestivum)
G/SPS/N/EGY/65/Rev.1/Add.2 - Edible oils and fats. Oil seeds
G/SPS/N/EGY/92/Add.9 - Food products
G/SPS/N/EGY/147 - Ministerial Decree No. 447/2024
G/SPS/N/EGY/148 - Ministerial Decree No. 446/2024 mandating the Egyptian Standard ES 3018-1 for "caviar and other fish egg - part 1: sturgeon caviar".
G/SPS/N/EGY/149 - Ministerial Decree No. 446/2024 mandating the Egyptian Standard ES 3018-2 for "caviar and other fish eggs - part 2: roe/caviar substitutes"
G/SPS/N/EU/715/Add.1 - Maximum residue levels for napropamide, pyridaben and tebufenpyrad in or on certain products
G/SPS/N/EU/778/Add.1 - List of third countries or regions thereof authorised for the entry into the Union of certain animals and products of animal origin intended for human consumption in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the application of the prohibition on the use of certain antimicrobial medicinal products
G/SPS/N/EU/798 - Draft Commission Implementing Regulation amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2072 as regards measures to prevent the presence of the Tomato brown rugose fruit virus on plants for planting of Solanum lycopersicum L. and hybrids thereof and of Capsicum annuum L, establishing the frequency rates of official controls, and repealing Implementing Regulation (EU)2023/1032
G/SPS/N/GBR/30/Add.6 - United Kingdom Border Target Operating Model – Plants, plant products and other objects
G/SPS/N/UGA/378 - DUS DARS 2050:2024, Edible insects — Edible dried caterpillars — Specification, First edition.
G/SPS/N/UGA/379 - DUS DARS 1296:2024, Edible insects — Guideline on safety of foods based on edible insects, First edition
G/SPS/N/UGA/380 - DUS DARS 1294:2024, Edible insects — Good agricultural practice on cricket farming, First edition
G/SPS/N/UGA/381 - DUS DARS 1295:2024, Edible insects — Good hygiene practices for insect farming and processing — Code of practice, First edition.