Notice - Notification of WTO Members: Draft Ministry of Public Health Notification (MOPH), No. ... B.E. ..., entitled "Import requirements and conditions for food with risk from Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy".

WTO code G/SPS/N/THA/232/Rev.2
Date notice 18/07/2024
Notice type Regular
Title Draft Ministry of Public Health Notification (MOPH), No. ... B.E. ..., entitled "Import requirements and conditions for food with risk from Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy".

For consumer protection, the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) is proposing to revise the MOPH Notification concerning import requirements and conditions for food with risk from Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy. The main elements of the draft notification are as follows:

1. The MOPH Notification (No. 377) B.E. 2559 (2016) entitled "Re: Designation of Requirements and Conditions for Import Food with Risk from Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy", dated 11 July 2016, is repealed and replaced by this (Draft) MOPH Notification;

2. It classifies the BSE risk status of the bovine population of a country, zone or compartment into three categories according to the WOAH criteria, as follows:

− Category 1: Negligible BSE risk Country;

− Category 2: Controlled BSE risk Country; and

− Category 3: Undetermined BSE risk Country;

The list of the countries or regions prescribed in the list annexed to this (Draft) MOPH Notification;

3. It describes the definitions of "Meat", "Fresh Meat" and "Meat products" the same as described in the MOPH Notification (No. 377) and adds the definition of "Import checkpoint";

4. It revises the import requirements for fresh meat and meat products for human consumption into Thailand according to the WOAH criteria. This notification shall come into force on the following date after its publication in the Government Gazette.

Product Food in general (ICS code: 67.040)
Country Thailand

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Orther Notice:

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