WTO code Country Date notice Title File attach
G/SPS/N/EU/566 European Union 05/13/2022 Draft Commission Regulation (EU) amending Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 as regards maximum levels of arsenic in certain foods NEU566.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHL/721/Add.1 Chile 05/13/2022 Exempt Resolution No. 2290 of 2022, which modifies Resolution No. 4,912 of 2004 that establishes phytosanitary entry requirements for pollen of the species indicated and repeals Resolution No. 106 of 2022 NCHL721A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/TPKM/580/Add.1 Chinese Taipei 05/12/2022 Standards for Veterinary Drug Residue Limits in Foods NTPKM580A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/COL/282/Add.3 Colombia 05/12/2022 Draft Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) Resolution "establishing the ICA application process for cultivars and/or animals of zootechnical interest improved through innovative genetic-improvement techniques deriving from modern biotechnology, with the aim of determining whether they are Living Modified Organisms or conventional organisms" NCOL282A3.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2041 Brazil 05/12/2022 Draft Resolution number 1094, 5 May 2022 NBRA2041.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2040 Brazil 05/12/2022 Ministerial Ordinance SDA No. 574, of 9 May 2022. Establishes the National Program for the Control of Residues and Contaminants in Products of Plant Origin (PNCRC/Vegetable), defining the scope, objectives, criteria and procedures for carrying out official controls. NBRA2040.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/1822/Add.1 Brazil 05/12/2022 Ministerial Ordinance (Portaria) SDA No. 569, of 6 May 2022. Changes the list of absent quarantine pests, contained in the annex to the Normative Instruction SDA No. 39, of 1 October 2018 NBRA1822A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/USA/3324 United States 05/11/2022 : Listing of Color Additives Exempt From Certification; Antarctic Krill Meal; Final Rule NUSA3324.pdf

G/SPS/N/RUS/251 Russian Federation 05/11/2022 Draft Decisions of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission on Amendments to the Chapter 37 of the Regulation on Common Veterinary (Sanitary and Veterinary) Requirements for Goods Subject to Veterinary Control (Surveillance), and on Amendments to the Form of Common Veterinary Certificate for Import into the Customs Territory of the EAEU of Feed Additives for Cats and Dogs and of Prepared Feeds for Cats and Dogs that have passed Heat Treatment (Form No 36) NRUS251.pdf

G/SPS/N/KOR/753 Republic of Korea 05/11/2022 Proposed amendment of the "Special Act on Imported Food Safety Control". NKOR753.pdf

G/SPS/N/EU/565 European Union 05/11/2022 Draft Commission Implementing Regulation amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 540/2011 as regards the conditions of approval of the active substance penflufen and repealing Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/185 NEU565.pdf

G/SPS/N/GBR/9/Rev.1/Add.1 United Kingdom 05/10/2022 Revision of GB approach for risk-targeted plant health import inspections NGBR9R1A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/USA/3323 United States 05/09/2022 Ranks, Hovis, McDougall Research, Ltd.; Withdrawal of Food Additive Petition. L NUSA3323.pdf

G/SPS/N/PER/978 Peru 05/09/2022 Project of Directorial Resolution for the establishment of phytosanitary requirements of necessary compliance in the import of wood and vegetable fibers processed without any treatment of origin and origin of all countries NPER978.pdf

G/SPS/N/NZL/686 New Zealand 05/09/2022 Import Health Standard for Sea Containers from All Countries NNZL686.pdf

G/SPS/N/JPN/1017 Japan 05/09/2022 The amendment of the Plant Protection Act. NJPN1017.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHL/728 Chile 05/09/2022 Sets sanitary requirements for the entry into Chile of fresh, chilled or frozen poultry meat and edible offal, and repeals Exempt Resolution No. 3,817 of 2006 NCHL728.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHL/719/Add.1 Chile 05/09/2022 Exempt Resolution No. 2,262 of 2022, Establishes phytosanitary requirements for the importation into Chile of fresh pineapple fruits (Ananas spp.) from all origins, modifies Resolution No. 3,920 of 1998 and repeals Resolution No. 4,702 of 2014 NCHL719A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHL/663/Add.1/Corr.1 Chile 05/06/2022 Exempt Resolution No. 6.508/2021, Health requirements for the entry into Chile of dogs, cats and ferrets, and repeal of Resolution No. 6.056/2009 NCHL663A1C1.pdf

G/SPS/N/USA/3322 United States 05/04/2022 Receipt of Several Pesticide Petitions Filed for Residues of Pesticide Chemicals in or on Various Commodities. Notice of filing of petitions and request for comment NUSA3322.pdf

G/SPS/N/KOR/752 Republic of Korea 05/04/2022 Proposed Amendments to the Standards and Specifications for Foods NKOR752.pdf

G/SPS/N/EU/564 European Union 05/04/2022 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/672 of 22 April 2022 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2470 as regards the specifications of the novel food trans-resveratrol (from microbial source) NEU564.pdf

G/SPS/N/NZL/684 New Zealand 05/03/2022 Risk management proposal – Enabling imports of Prunus cerasus x Prunus canescens plants for planting NNZL684.pdf

G/SPS/N/TZA/186 Tanzania, United Republic of 05/02/2022 AFDC12 (545) DTZS, Fruit flavoured concentrates – Specification, First Edition. NTZA186.pdf

G/SPS/N/TZA/185 Tanzania, United Republic of 05/02/2022 AFDC12 (1033) DTZS, Concentrated flavoured drinks - Specification, First Edition NTZA185.pdf

G/SPS/N/TZA/184 Tanzania, United Republic of 05/02/2022 AFDC 15 (770) DTZS, Frozen pizza – Specification NTZA184.pdf

G/SPS/N/TZA/183 Tanzania, United Republic of 05/02/2022 AFDC 15 (772) DTZS, Tambi snacks – Specification. NTZA183.pdf

G/SPS/N/TZA/182 Tanzania, United Republic of 05/02/2022 AFDC 13 (1032) DTZS, Flavoured beer — Specification NTZA182.pdf

G/SPS/N/TZA/181 Tanzania, United Republic of 05/02/2022 AFDC 12 (1030) DTZS, Dried Rosella – Specification NTZA181.pdf

G/SPS/N/TZA/180 Tanzania, United Republic of 05/02/2022 TBS/AFDC 17 (823) DTZS, Spiced honey - Specification NTZA180.pdf

G/SPS/N/TZA/179 Tanzania, United Republic of 05/02/2022 AFDC 17 (1254) DTZS, Brown sugar — Specification NTZA179.pdf

G/SPS/N/TZA/178 Tanzania, United Republic of 05/02/2022 AFDC 15 (768) DTZS, Visheti – Specification NTZA178.pdf

G/SPS/N/TZA/177 Tanzania, United Republic of 05/02/2022 AFDC 17 (822) DTZS, Icing sugar — Specification NTZA177.pdf

G/SPS/N/TUR/112/Add.1 Turkey 05/02/2022 Turkish Food Codex - Communiqué on Spices NTUR112A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/COL/338 Colombia 05/02/2022 Proyecto de resolución por el cual se busca "Establecer los requisitos para el registro ante el ICA de los "lugares de producción para exportación", "Exportador" o "Importador" de flores o ramas cortadas de las especies ornamentales, para garantizar su calidad fitosanitaria en los mercados de destino" (Draft Resolution establishing requirements for the registration with the ICA of production facilities for export, exporters or importers of cut flowers or branches of ornamental species, to ensure their phytosanitary quality in destination markets) NCOL338.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHL/727 Chile 05/02/2022 Draft Resolution that approves the coordinated and systematized text of the resolution that establishes import requirements for underground structures for vegetative reproduction of ornamental species; updates requirements of the species indicated and repeals resolution No. 3,418 of 2002 NCHL727.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHL/701/Add.1 Chile 05/02/2022 Establishes phytosanitary import requirements for unrooted cuttings of Vitis spp. from the member countries of the European Union and modifies Resolution No. 7,243 of 2012 NCHL701A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/CAN/1437 Canada 05/02/2022 Proposed Maximum Residue Limit: Fluopyram (PMRL2022-09). NCAN1437.pdf

G/SPS/N/CAN/1436 Canada 05/02/2022 Proposed Maximum Residue Limit: Pyraclostrobin (PMRL2022-08). NCAN1436.pdf

G/SPS/N/CAN/1435 Canada 05/02/2022 Proposed Maximum Residue Limit: Topramezone (PMRL2022-07) NCAN1435.pdf

G/SPS/N/AUS/534/Corr.1 Australia 04/29/2022 Proposal M1019 - Assessment Summary for Review of Schedule 22 – Foods and classes of foods NAUS534C1.pdf

G/SPS/N/AUS/533/Corr.1 Australia 04/29/2022 Call for submissions Proposal M1020 – Maximum Residue Limits (2021) NAUS533C1.pdf

G/SPS/N/TPKM/575/Add.1 Chinese Taipei 04/28/2022 The implementation of the "Regulations for the Importation of Objects Subject to Animal Quarantine" NTPKM575A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/GBR/14 United Kingdom 04/28/2022 The Phytosanitary Conditions (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2022 NGBR14.pdf

G/SPS/N/CAN/1434 Canada 04/28/2022 Notice of Modification to the List of Permitted Food Enzymes to Enable the Use of Lipase from Mucor circinelloides f. circinelloides AE-LM in Certain Cheeses NCAN1434.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2037 Brazil 04/28/2022 Draft Resolution number 1091, 20 April 2022 NBRA2037.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2035 Brazil 04/28/2022 RIG.PL.RP.ABR.22 - Zoosanitary requirements for admission to Brazil of reptile skins. NBRA2035.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2036 Brazil 04/28/2022 Draft Resolution number 1090, 20 April 2022 NBRA2036.pdf

G/SPS/N/EU/563 European Union 04/26/2022 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/654 concerning the authorisation of butylated hydroxyanisole as a feed additive for cats NEU563.pdf

G/SPS/N/EU/562 European Union 04/26/2022 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/653 concerning the authorisation of a preparation of the leaves extract of Melissa officinalis L. as a feed additive for all animal species NEU562.pdf

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