WTO code Country Date notice Title File attach
G/SPS/N/IND/198 India 11/30/2017 Draft Food Safety and Standards (Advertisements and Claims) Regulations, 2017. NIND198.pdf

G/SPS/N/CAN/1149 Canada 11/30/2017 Proposed Maximum Residue Limit: Flumioxazin (PMRL2017-32). NCAN1149.pdf

G/SPS/N/THA/242 Thailand 11/29/2017 Draft MOPH Notification, B.E. ..., entitled "Prescribed Prohibited Substances to be Used in Foods (No. 3)". NTHA242.pdf

G/SPS/N/MAC/21 Macao, China 11/27/2017 Standard for Uses of Food Coloring in Foodstuffs NMAC21.pdf

G/SPS/N/ARE/138, G/SPS/N/BHR/183 G/SPS/N/KWT/30, G/SPS/N/OMN/81 G/SPS/N/QAT/85, G/SPS/N/SAU/321 G/SPS/N/YEM/26 United Arab Emirates 11/27/2017 The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia/The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf draft Technical Regulation for "Instant Arabic Coffee" NARE138.pdf

G/SPS/N/IND/197 India 11/24/2017 Draft Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Amendment Regulations, 2017. NIND197.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/1315 Brazil 11/24/2017 Draft resolution (Consulta Publica) number 415, 7 November 2017, regarding the active ingredient F70 - FLUENSULFONE of the monograph list of active ingredients for pesticides, household cleaning products and wood preservers, published by Resolution - RE n° 165 of 29 August 2003, on the Brazilian Official Gazette (DOU - Diário Oficial da União) of 2 September 2003. NBRA1315.pdf

G/SPS/N/TPKM/449 Chinese Taipei 11/23/2017 Draft of Sanitation Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food. NTPKM449.pdf

G/SPS/N/PHL/401 Philippines 11/23/2017 Working Draft-Philippine National Standards- Fresh and Quick Frozen Raw Scallops Products. NPHL401.pdf

G/SPS/N/KOR/583 Republic of Korea 11/23/2017 Proposed Amendments to the Standards and Specifications for Foods. NKOR583.pdf

G/SPS/N/IDN/121 Indonesia 11/23/2017 Draft of Agricultural Ministerial Decree concerning the Importation and Exportation of Food Products of Animal Origin into and from the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. NIDN121.pdf

G/SPS/N/IDN/120 Indonesia 11/23/2017 Draft of Agricultural Ministerial Decree concerning the Importation and/or Exportation of Non-Food Animal Products into and from the Territory of the Republic of Indonesia. NIDN120.pdf

G/SPS/N/USA/2966 United States 11/22/2017 Colorcon, Inc.; Filing of Color Additive Petition; Notice of Petition. NUSA2966.pdf

G/SPS/N/TPKM/448 Chinese Taipei 11/22/2017 Import inspection requirement for commodities classified under 26 specific CCC codes if they are used for food or food additives. NTPKM448.pdf

G/SPS/N/TUR/95 Turkey 11/21/2017 Turkish Food Codex Regulation on Iced Products 2017 NTUR95.pdf

G/SPS/N/CAN/1148 Canada 11/21/2017 Proposed Maximum Residue Limit: Spirotetramat (PMRL2017-31). NCAN1148.pdf

G/SPS/N/USA/2965 United States 11/20/2017 Benzovindiflupyr, Final rule. NUSA2965.pdf

G/SPS/N/KOR/582 Republic of Korea 11/17/2017 Proposed Amendments to the Regulation on Safety Assessment for Genetically Modified Food Products. NKOR582.pdf

G/SPS/N/KOR/581 Republic of Korea 11/17/2017 Proposed Draft Amendments to the temporary Standards & Specifications for food and Food Additives. NKOR581.pdf

G/SPS/N/AUS/438 Australia 11/17/2017 Exposure draft Biosecurity Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2017. NAUS438.pdf

G/SPS/N/MDG/35 Madagascar 11/16/2017 Law No. ... revising Madagascar's phytosanitary legislation NMDG35.pdf

G/SPS/N/MDG/34 Madagascar 11/16/2017 Order establishing official laboratories for the analysis of foodstuffs of plant origin NMDG34.pdf

G/SPS/N/JPN/539 Japan 11/16/2017 Revision of the Standards and Specifications for Foods and Food Additives under the Food Sanitation Act (Revision of agricultural chemical residue standards). NJPN539.pdf

G/SPS/N/JPN/538 Japan 11/16/2017 Revision of the Standards and Specifications for Foods and Food Additives under the Food Sanitation Act (Revision of agricultural chemical residue standards). NJPN538.pdf

G/SPS/N/JPN/537 Japan 11/16/2017 Revision of the Standards and Specifications for Foods and Food Additives under the Food Sanitation Act (Revision of agricultural chemical residue standards). NJPN537.pdf

G/SPS/N/JPN/536 Japan 11/16/2017 Revision of the Standards and Specifications for Foods and Food Additives under the Food Sanitation Act (Revision of agricultural chemical residue standards). NJPN536.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHN/1060 China 11/16/2017 National Food Safety Standard of the P.R.C.: Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticides in Foods NCHN1060.pdf

G/SPS/N/RUS/56/Add.1 Russian Federation 11/15/2017 Draft of Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation "On Approval of Administrative Regulation on fulfilment by the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance and the Federal Customs Service of function on carrying out state veterinary surveillance at points of entry through the state border of the Russian Federation and state veterinary surveillance at other places of customs operations within the territory of the Russian Federation, different from points of entry through the state border of the Russian Federation, in respect of goods subject to state veterinary surveillance for import or transit through the customs border of the Eurasian economic union" NRUS56A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/IND/196 India 11/15/2017 Draft Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) (Eighth Amendment) Order, 2017. NIND196.pdf

G/SPS/N/IND/195 India 11/15/2017 Draft Food Safety and Standards (Packaging) Regulations, 2017. NIND195.pdf

G/SPS/N/CAN/1147 Canada 11/13/2017 roposed Maximum Residue Limit: Clethodim (PMRL2017-29) NCAN1147.pdf

G/SPS/N/USA/2964 United States 11/13/2017 Hexythiazox; Pesticide Tolerance Final Rule. NUSA2964.pdf

G/SPS/N/BHR/181 Bahrain 11/06/2017 Import Phytosanitary Requirements. NBHR181.pdf

G/SPS/N/CAN/1144 Canada 11/01/2017 Notice of Modification to the Lists of Permitted Food Additives to Extend the Use of (1) Citric Acid and Asparaginase from Aspergillus niger ASP72 to Blackstrap Molasses Destined for the Manufacture of Confectionery Glazes for Snack Foods and (2) Asparaginase from Aspergillus niger ASP72 to Green Coffee -Reference Number: NOM/ADM-0105. NCAN1144.pdf

G/SPS/N/ZAF/56 South Africa 10/30/2017 The administrative regulatory requirements for imported fish and fishery products and canned meat products regulated under the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act, 2008 (Act No. 5 of 2008), as amended. NZAF56.pdf

G/SPS/N/USA/2963 United States 10/26/2017 Triflumezopyrim; Pesticide Tolerances. Final Rule. NUSA2963.pdf

G/SPS/N/PHL/400 Philippines 10/26/2017 2nd Working Draft - Philippine National Standard –Fresh-chilled and Fresh-frozen Siganid (Rabbitfish). NPHL400.pdf

G/SPS/N/PHL/399 Philippines 10/26/2017 Philippine National Standard – Free Range Chicken (Working Draft 3.0). NPHL399.pdf

G/SPS/N/PHL/398 Philippines 10/26/2017 Philippine National Standard - Good Animal Husbandry Practices (GAHP) for Ducks. NPHL398.pdf

G/SPS/N/PHL/397 Philippines 10/26/2017 Philippine National Standard - Baby corn - Grading and classification. NPHL397.pdf

G/SPS/N/PHL/396 Philippines 10/26/2017 Philippine National Standard - Code of practice for the prevention and reduction of aflatoxin contamination in corn. NPHL396.pdf

G/SPS/N/KOR/580 Republic of Korea 10/26/2017 Proposed Draft Amendments to the Standards and Specification for Health Functional Foods. NKOR580.pdf

G/SPS/N/PHL/395 Philippines 10/25/2017 Philippine National Standard - Live, Fresh-chilled and Fresh-frozen Tilapia. NPHL395.pdf

G/SPS/N/PHL/392 Philippines 10/25/2017 Philippine National Standard-Fresh-chilled and Freshfrozen Milkfish. NPHL392.pdf

G/SPS/N/JPN/535 Japan 10/24/2017 Amendment to the List of Regulated Living Organisms under the Invasive Alien Species Act. NJPN535.pdf

G/SPS/N/EU/230 European Union 10/24/2017 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) extending the special guarantees concerning Salmonella spp. laid down in Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council to meat derived from broilers (Gallus gallus) intended for Denmark. NEU230.pdf

G/SPS/N/EU/229 Cote D Ivoire 10/24/2017 Commission Regulation (EU) establishing the Union list of novel foods in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 of the European Parliament and of the Council on novel foods (Text with EEA relevance). NEU229.pdf

G/SPS/N/ZAF/55 South Africa 10/19/2017 Compulsory specification for aquacultured live and chilled raw bivalves molluscs NZAF55.pdf

G/SPS/N/KOR/579 Republic of Korea 10/18/2017 Proposed Amendments to the Standards and Specifications for Foods. NKOR579.pdf

G/SPS/N/CIV/17 Cote D Ivoire 10/18/2017 Decree No. 63-457 of 7 November 1963 on the conditions for the importation and exportation of plants and other matter liable to harbour organisms representing a danger to farming NCIV17.pdf

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