Thông báo - Thông báo của Việt Nam: Circular No 15/2009/TT-BNN issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rual development dated 17 march 2009

Ngày thông báo 31/03/2009
Loại thông báo Bình thường
Tiêu đề Circular No 15/2009/TT-BNN issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rual development dated 17 march 2009
Tóm tắt

Promulgating the list of drugs, chemicals, antibiotics banned to use restricted to use in Vietnam:
- Thi list of chemicals, antibiotics banned for manufacturing, trading an aquaculture;
- The list of drugs, chemicals and antibiotics banned for verterinary uses;
- The list of chemicals, antibiotics restricted for manufacturing, trading in aquaculture;
- The list of drugs, chemical and antibiotics restricted for verterinary uses;

Sản phẩm
Quốc gia Viet Nam

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