Thông báo - Thông báo của Việt Nam: National technical regulation on bovine semen

Ngày thông báo 29/06/2016
Loại thông báo Bình thường
Tiêu đề National technical regulation on bovine semen
Tóm tắt

Draft National Technical regulation on the management and quality control of bovine semen, including the general term requirements, technical requirements on quality, labelling, storing, transporting, testing method, regulation on the registration and the testing of individual productivity. The national technical regulation applies to all individuals and organization carrying out activities inside Viet Nam which are related to bovine semen.

Sản phẩm National technical regulation on bovine semen
Quốc gia Viet Nam

Tệp đính kèm:
Na-te-re-on bovine semen 2016.pdf

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