Thông báo - Thông báo của Việt Nam: Circular promulgates national technical regulation for maximum level of contaminants in health supplements

Ngày thông báo 16/08/2022
Loại thông báo Bình thường
Tiêu đề Circular promulgates national technical regulation for maximum level of contaminants in health supplements
Tóm tắt

- Classification, definition for Health Supplements, Dietary Supplements

- Food safety criteria for Health Supplements, Dietary Supplements

- Food Sampling and Testing Methods for Food safety criteria

Sản phẩm Health Supplements, Dietary Supplements
Quốc gia Viet Nam

Tệp đính kèm:
1-2022-07-18-Du thao QCVN TPBVSK.pdf

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