Thông báo - Thông báo của Việt Nam: Draft Circular stipulating procedures for quarantine and inspection of terrestrial animals and thereof; sending, receiving pathogenic samples; inspection of veterinary hygiene; forms and formats of documents for applying quarantine and inspection

Ngày thông báo 16/07/2012
Loại thông báo Bình thường
Tiêu đề Draft Circular stipulating procedures for quarantine and inspection of terrestrial animals and thereof; sending, receiving pathogenic samples; inspection of veterinary hygiene; forms and formats of documents for applying quarantine and inspection
Tóm tắt

- Procedures for quarantine and inspection of terrestrial animals and thereof when transportation inside Viet Nam (domestic movement);
- Procedures for quarantine and inspection of terrestrial animals and thereof when importation and exportation;
- Procedures for quarantine and inspection of terrestrial animals and thereof when transit through Viet Nam;
- Sending, receiving pathogenic samples of animal products;  and
- Forms and formats of documents for applying quarantine and inspection.

Sản phẩm
Quốc gia Viet Nam

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