Thông báo - Thông báo của Việt Nam: Draft National Technical Regulation No. QCVN 01-51: 2024/BNNPTNT on Seed Quality of Two-line Hybrid Rice

Ngày thông báo 12/04/2024
Loại thông báo Bình thường
Tiêu đề Draft National Technical Regulation No. QCVN 01-51: 2024/BNNPTNT on Seed Quality of Two-line Hybrid Rice
Tóm tắt

This draft National Technical regulation applies to activities of organizations and individuals to consist of producing, import and trading of two-line hybrid rice seeds (species Oryza sativa L.) in Vietnam.

This draft replaces the National Technical Regulation No. QCVN 01-51: 2011/BNNPTNT issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Circular No. 45/2011/TT-BNNPTNT dated June 24, 2011

Sản phẩm Hybrid Rice
Quốc gia Viet Nam

Tệp đính kèm:
Draft NTR Two Line Rice.pdf

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