Thông báo - Thông báo của Việt Nam: Circular on promulgating the List of veterinary drugs authorized for marketing and the List of banned veterinary drugs in Viet Nam

Ngày thông báo 06/08/2024
Loại thông báo Bình thường
Tiêu đề Circular on promulgating the List of veterinary drugs authorized for marketing and the List of banned veterinary drugs in Viet Nam
Tóm tắt

Draft Circular promulgates the List of veterinary drugs authorized for marketing and the List of banned veterinary drugs in Vietnam, which replaces Circular No. 10/2016/TT-BNNPTNT dated June 1, 2016. The amendments are as follows:

a) Appendix I: updates the List of veterinary drugs authorized for marketing in Vietnam until now.

b) Appendix II: amends the List of banned veterinary drugs in Vietnam for aquatic and terrestrial animals:

- As in the List of banned veterinary drugs in Vietnam in aquaculture:

+ Changes "Nitrofuran (includes Furazolidone)" to "Nitrofuran and its metabolites (Furazolidone, Furaltadone, Nitrofurantoin, Nitrofurazone, Nifursol)"

+ Adds Leucomalachite Green

- As in the List of banned veterinary drugs in Vietnam for terrestrial animals:

+ Removes Ciprofloxacin

+ Adds Leucomalachite Green

+ Changes the active substance group "Furazolidon and derivatives of Nitrofuran (Nitrofuran, Furacillin, Nitrofurazon, Furacin, Nitrofurantoin, Furoxon, Orafuran, Furadonin, Furadantin, Furaltadon, Payzone, Furazolin, Nitrofurmethon, Nitrofuridin, Nitrovin)" to "Nitrofuran and its metabolites (Furazolidone, Furaltadone, Nitrofurantoin, Nitrofurazone, Nifursol)"

+ Removes alternative names of Chloramphenicol, Dimetridazole, Metronidazole and Dipterex.

Sản phẩm Veterinary drugs
Quốc gia Viet Nam

Tệp đính kèm:
240523_Amending_Circular No. 13-2016-TT-BNNPTNT_Vie.pdf

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