Thông báo - Thông báo của các nước thành viên: Phytosanitary Requirements for Imported Plant-derived Fertilizers
Mã WTO |
G/SPS/N/CHN/1323 |
Ngày thông báo |
07/01/2025 |
Loại thông báo |
Bình thường |
Tiêu đề |
Phytosanitary Requirements for Imported Plant-derived Fertilizers |
Tóm tắt |
This measure stipulates:
1. the types of plant-derived fertilizers allowed to be exported to China;
2. the requirements and procedures for the registration in China of recommended plantderived fertilizers manufacturers and the validity period of registration;
3. the imported phytosanitary requirements for plant-derived fertilizers exported to China, including being free of imported plant quarantine pests and other harmful organisms and exotic species that are seriously harmful to agricultural and forestry production and ecological environment, being free of plant seeds, soil, animal carcasses, animal feces, poultry feathers and other animal-derived ingredients and other biosafety risk materials;
4. the requirements for packaging, storage and transportation of plant-derived fertilizers exported to China and requirements for pre-export official inspection and certification;
5. the import inspection procedures for plant-derived fertilizers exported to China and the treatment requirements for non-compliance.
Sản phẩm |
Plant-derived fertilizers |
Quốc gia |
China |
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