Thông báo - Thông báo của các nước thành viên: Decree of the Head of the Indonesian Quarantine Authority concerning Procedures for Integrated Quarantine and Surveillance Measures.
Mã WTO |
G/SPS/N/IDN/154 |
Ngày thông báo |
08/01/2025 |
Loại thông báo |
Bình thường |
Tiêu đề |
Decree of the Head of the Indonesian Quarantine Authority concerning Procedures for Integrated Quarantine and Surveillance Measures. |
Tóm tắt |
The Indonesian Quarantine Authority (IQA), as the official Indonesian border competent authority as notified in WTO G/SPS/N/IDN/148, regulates the Procedures for Integrated Quarantine and Surveillance Measures under Decree of the Head of the Indonesian Quarantine Authority Number 14 Year 2014.
This regulation regulates the procedures for integrated quarantine and surveillance measures, including requirements and procedures for importing fish and fish products into the territory of Indonesia, as well as the format of the Health Certificate (HC) that shall be issued from the country of origin for fish and fish products to be exported into Indonesia, whose format of HC has been determined by the Indonesian Quarantine Authority.
Sản phẩm |
Fish and fish products |
Quốc gia |
Indonesia |
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