The draft Resolution has been developed to implement the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On State Regulation of Genetically Engineered Activities and State Control over Placing GMOs and Genetically Modified Products on the Market" and to align Ukrainian legislation with the European Union law.
The draft Resolution proposes:
1) to approve:
− the Procedure for state registration (re-registration) of genetically modified organisms;
− the Procedure for suspension of state registration of genetically modified organisms;
− the Procedure for consideration of objections to applications for state registration of genetically modified organisms;
− the Application form for state registration of genetically modified organisms;
− the Requirements for the application for state registration of genetically modified organisms and documents to be included in such application.
2) to repeal:
− the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 808 "Some Issues of Approval (Testing) and Registration of Genetically Modified Organisms of Agricultural Plant Varieties" of 23 July 2009;
− the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 919 "Issues of Ensuring the Implementation of Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On the State System of Biosafety in Creating, Testing, Transporting and Using Genetically-Modified Organisms"" of 12 October 2010.