Thông báo - Thông báo của các nước thành viên: DEAS 84-1: 2024, Meat grades and meat cuts — Specification — Part 1: Beef grades and cuts, Third Edition
Mã WTO |
G/SPS/N/BDI/127, G/SPS/N/KEN/324, G/SPS/N/RWA/120, G/SPS/N/TZA/422, G/SPS/N/UGA/413 |
Ngày thông báo |
09/01/2025 |
Loại thông báo |
Bình thường |
Tiêu đề |
DEAS 84-1: 2024, Meat grades and meat cuts — Specification — Part 1: Beef grades and cuts, Third Edition |
Tóm tắt |
This Draft East African Standard specifies methods of grading and grades of beef including veal, quality and safety requirements, sampling and test method of carcasses thereof, intended for human consumption.
This standard also defines major portions of meat cuts from the carcasses for sale.
Sản phẩm |
Carcases or half-carcases of bovine animals, fresh or chilled (HS code(s): 020110); Fresh or chilled bovine meat, boneless (HS code(s): 020130); Meat and meat products (ICS code(s): 67.120.10), Beef grades and cuts |
Quốc gia |
Burundi |
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