The proposed maximum residue limit (PMRL) document for abamectin notified in G/SPS/N/CAN/1487 (dated 7 March 2023) was adopted 29 May 2023. The proposed MRLs were established via entry into the Maximum Residue Limits Database and are provided directly below:
MRL (ppm)1 Raw Agricultural Commodity (RAC) and/or Processed Commodity
0.08 Edible-podded legume vegetables (crop subgroup 6A); edible-podded asparagus beans, edible-podded Chinese longbeans
0.01 Dry shelled pea and bean, except soybean (crop subgroup 6C); succulent shelled pea and bean (crop subgroup 6B); dry asparagus beans, dry Chinese longbeans, dry crowder peas, dry field beans, dry soybeans, dry sweet lupins, dry white lupins, dry white sweet lupins, succulent shelled crowder peas, succulent shelled sweet lupins, succulent shelled white lupins, succulent shelled white sweet lupins
1 ppm = parts per million
This addendum concerns: Notification of adoption, publication or entry into force of regulation