Thông báo - Thông báo của các nước thành viên: Draft Commission Regulation amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No. 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for deltamethrin, metalaxyl, thiabendazole and trifloxystrobin in or on certain products

Ngày thông báo 23/11/2023
Loại thông báo Bình thường
Tiêu đề Draft Commission Regulation amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No. 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for deltamethrin, metalaxyl, thiabendazole and trifloxystrobin in or on certain products
Tóm tắt

The proposed draft Regulation concerns the update of existing MRLs for deltamethrin, metalaxyl, thiabendazole and trifloxystrobin in certain food products following the evaluation and/or the lack of confirmatory data.

Sản phẩm Cereals (HS Codes: 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008); Foodstuffs of animal origin (HS Codes: 0201, 0202, 0203, 0204, 0205, 0206, 0207, 0208, 0209, 0210); and certain products of plant origin, including fruit and vegetables.
Quốc gia European Union

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