The Department of Agriculture (DOA) is proposing to revise the DOA notification concerning the phytosanitary import requirements of Maize (Zea mays) seeds for sowing from all countries as follows:
1. The Notification of Department of Agriculture, Re: Conditions for import of Maize Seeds B.E. 2563 (2020), dated 30 November 2020 and the Notification of Department of Agriculture, Re: Conditions for import of Maize Seeds (No.2) B.E. 2564 (2021), dated 5 March 2021, are repealed and replaced by this (Draft) DOA notification;
2. Maize seed lots are required to fulfil one of the following phytosanitary import conditions, and/or a combination of the two conditions addressing each of twenty-one quarantine pests i.e. Clavibacter nebraskensis, Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii, Pseudomonas syringae pv. lapsa, Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae, Xanthomonas vasicola pv. vasculorum, High plains virus, Wheat streak mosaic virus, Bipolaris maydis race T, Fusarium culmorum, Harpophora maydis, Peronosclerospora heteropogoni, Peronosclerospora philippinensis, Sclerophthora macrospora, Sclerophthora rayssiae var. zeae, Sclerospora graminicola, Sporisorium reilianum, Stenocarpella macrospora, Striga angustifolia, Striga aspera, Striga densiflora and Striga hermonthica;
Maize seeds were produced in a country where the quarantine pests are not known to occur;
Maize seeds were derived from parent plants that were inspected and tested during the growing season and found free from the quarantine pests;
Maize seeds were officially tested and found free from the quarantine pests.
3. Maize seeds must be dressed with appropriate fungicides. Information on fungicide treatment (fungicide common name and percent active ingredient) must be indicated in the appropriate sections of a phytosanitary certificate or a phytosanitary certificate for re-export;
4. In case, import of maize seeds from the Union of Myanmar must comply with the additional conditions as the Annex 2. of this notification.Maize seeds were officially tested and found free from the quarantine pests.