Thông báo - Thông báo của các nước thành viên: New measure prohibiting commercial dog imports from countries at high-risk for dog rabies
Mã WTO |
G/SPS/N/CAN/1445/Add.2 |
Ngày thông báo |
10/07/2024 |
Loại thông báo |
Bình thường |
Tiêu đề |
New measure prohibiting commercial dog imports from countries at high-risk for dog rabies |
Tóm tắt |
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) will prohibit the importation of commercial dogs from countries which have been identified as posing a high-risk for rabies caused by canine-variant viruses. Rabies is a reportable disease in Canada and Canada is free of rabies caused by canine-variant viruses. In order to prevent the re-introduction of rabies caused by canine-variant viruses and to protect the health and safety of both animals and humans within Canada, the CFIA will be implementing import restrictions for dogs from high-risk countries. As of 28 September 2022, all dogs with a commercial end-use, as defined by the CFIA, from highrisk countries will not be permitted entry into Canada. As of this date, the CFIA will also no longer issue permits for commercial dogs less than eight months of age from high-risk countries. All shipments of commercial dogs (regardless of age) that are on route to Canada must arrive on or before 27 September 2022 to be eligible for importation. Any dog from a high-risk country that is presented for importation into Canada on or after 28 September 2022 and deemed to be a commercial import will not be allowed to enter Canada. There will be no exceptions made to this new measure regardless of the age of the dog or whether or not an import permit was previously required. Canada respectfully requests that all trading partners from high-risk countries take the necessary steps to ensure commercial dogs are not exported to Canada. The importation of personal pet dogs and assistance dogs, as defined by the CFIA, from high-risk countries will continue to be permitted under the CFIA's currently established import requirements. The CFIA's Automated Import Reference System (AIRS) is the source for Canada's import requirements.
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Quốc gia |
Canada |
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