MPI is proposing to remove the following pests and any specific measures for these pests in the specific requirements in Part 2 in the Import Health Standard Seeds for Sowing (155.02.05):
• Pseudomonas syringae pv. cannabina and Xanthomonas campestris pv. cannabis from the Cannabis sativa schedule;
• Strawberry latent ringspot virus (strains not in New Zealand) from the Fragaria schedule;
• Septoria helianthi from the Helianthus schedule;
• Coniothyrium lavandulae and Phoma lavandulae from the Lavandula schedule. This change results in the removal of the Lavandula schedule from Part 2 in the import health standard and changes the import requirements for Lavandula seeds to basic requirements;
• Penicillium brevicompactum from the Pinus schedule;
• Plum pox virus from the Prunus schedule;
• Tobacco ringspot virus from the Solanum tuberosum schedule;
• Tarsonemus granarius from the Triticum schedule;
• High plains virus from the Zea schedule.