WTO code Country Date notice Title File attach
G/SPS/N/CHN/1260 China 09/29/2022 National Food Safety Standard of the P.R.C.: Food additive Chromium Theaflavins NCHN1260.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHN/1259 China 09/29/2022 National Food Safety Standard of the P.R.C.: Food additive Quillaja extract NCHN1259.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHN/1258 China 09/29/2022 National Food Safety Standard of the P.R.C.: Food additive Iron Tartrate NCHN1258.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHN/1257 China 09/29/2022 National Food Safety Standard of the P.R.C for uses of food additives NCHN1257.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHN/1256 China 09/29/2022 National Food Safety Standard of the P.R.C.: Food additive Cellulose NCHN1256.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHN/1255 China 09/29/2022 National Food Safety Standard of the P.R.C.: Food additive Pentaerythritol Ester of Wood Rosin. NCHN1255.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHN/1254 China 09/29/2022 National Food Safety Standard of the P.R.C.: Food additive Food enzymes preparations. NCHN1254.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHN/1253 China 09/29/2022 National Food Safety Standard of the P.R.C.: Food additive Lactitol (also known as 4-O-β-D-Galactopyranosyl-D-glucitol) NCHN1253.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHN/1252 China 09/29/2022 National Food Safety Standard of the P.R.C.: Food additive Calcium Hydroxide NCHN1252.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHN/1251 China 09/29/2022 National Food Safety Standard of the P.R.C.: Food additive Morpholine Fatty Acid Salt Fruit Wax NCHN1251.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHN/1250 China 09/29/2022 National Food Safety Standard of the P.R.C.: Food additive Quinoline Yellow NCHN1250.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHN/1249 China 09/29/2022 National Food Safety Standard of the P.R.C.: Food additive Sodium Formate NCHN1249.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHN/1248 China 09/29/2022 National Food Safety Standard of the P.R.C.: Food additive Methyl Cellulose NCHN1248.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHN/1247 China 09/29/2022 National Food Safety Standard of the P.R.C.: Food additive Sodium sulfate No. 1 Amendment. NCHN1247.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHN/1246 China 09/29/2022 National Food Safety Standard of the P.R.C.: Food additive Disodium EDTA No. 1 Amendment NCHN1246.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHN/1245 China 09/29/2022 National Food Safety Standard of the P.R.C.: Food additive Calcium Ascorbate No. 1 Amendment NCHN1245.pdf

G/SPS/N/CRI/249 Costa Rica 09/23/2022 Resolution No. 225-2022-NR-ARP-SFE - State Phytosanitary Service, Standards and Regulations Department, Pest Risk Analysis Unit, amending the phytosanitary measures introduced to mitigate the risk of introduction of insects of the Diaspididae and Coccidae families (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Diaspididae and Coccidae) in fresh produce for consumption, fresh produce for industry, fresh cut flowers for ornamental purposes and fresh cut foliage for ornamental purposes. San José, at 10.20 a.m. on 7 September 2022 NCRI249.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2076 Brazil 09/23/2022 Ordinance SDA No. 656, 16 September 2022 - Authorizes the importation, transport and storage of Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) virus strains in the country for the production, quality control, commercialization and exportation of veterinary products, active and inactivated antigens, as well as for carrying out diagnosis and research of interest to the animal health defense NBRA2076.pdf

G/SPS/N/UKR/188 Brazil 09/23/2022 Draft Order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine "On Approval of Hygienic Requirements for the Production and Placing on the Market of Food Products of Animal Origin". NUKR188.pdf

G/SPS/N/UKR/187 Ukraine 09/22/2022 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 10 September 2022 No. 1029 "On Amendment to Paragraph 1 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 1 April 2022 No. 398" "Some issues of implementation of phytosanitary measures and procedures under martial law" NUKR187.pdf

G/SPS/N/EU/524/Add.1 European Union 09/22/2022 Recycled plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foods NEU524A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2074 Brazil 09/22/2022 Draft Resolution number 1114, 6 September 2022 NBRA2074.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2073 Brazil 09/22/2022 Draft Resolution number 1113, 6 September 2022 NBRA2073.pdf

G/SPS/N/UKR/166/Add.1 Ukraine 09/20/2022 Draft Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine "On Approval of Safety Requirements and Certain Quality Indicators for Baby Food" NUKR166A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/UGA/158/Add.2 Uganda 09/20/2022 DUS 2238:2019, Soups and broths - Specification, First Edition NUGA158A2.pdf

G/SPS/N/UGA/156/Add.2 Uganda 09/20/2022 DUS 889:2021, Dried vegetables and herbs for use - Specification, Second Edition NUGA156A2.pdf

G/SPS/N/UGA/155/Add.2 Uganda 09/20/2022 DUS 882:2021, Fruit chips and crisps - Specification, Second Edition NUGA155A2.pdf

G/SPS/N/UGA/154/Add.2 Uganda 09/20/2022 DUS 887:2021, Dried fruits - Specification, Second Edition NUGA154A2.pdf

G/SPS/N/UGA/148/Add.2 Uganda 09/20/2022 DUS 871:2020, Malted cereal beverages - Specification, Second Edition NUGA148A2.pdf

G/SPS/N/UGA/147/Add.2 Uganda 09/20/2022 DUS 1600:2021, Dairy whitener - Specification, Second Edition NUGA147A2.pdf

G/SPS/N/UGA/146/Add.2 Uganda 09/20/2022 DUS 2245:2020, Safety of foodstuffs - Requirements, First Edition NUGA146A2.pdf

G/SPS/N/UGA/145/Add.2 Uganda 09/20/2022 DUS 2172:2020, Chia oil - Specification, First Edition NUGA145A2.pdf

G/SPS/N/UGA/129/Add.2 Uganda 09/20/2022 DUS DEAS 1011:2019, Cheese - Specification - Cheddar cheese, First edition NUGA129A2.pdf

G/SPS/N/UGA/103/Add.2 Uganda 09/20/2022 DUS DEAS 1003:2019, Cashew butter - Specification, First Edition NUGA103A2.pdf

G/SPS/N/UGA/102/Add.2 Uganda 09/20/2022 DUS DEAS 1002:2019, Roasted cashew kernels - Specification, First Edition NUGA102A2.pdf

G/SPS/N/UGA/101/Add.2 Uganda 09/20/2022 DUS DEAS 1001:2019, Raw cashew kernels - Specification, First Edition NUGA101A2.pdf

G/SPS/N/UGA/100/Add.2 Uganda 09/20/2022 DUS DEAS 1000:2019, Raw cashew nut - Specification, First Edition NUGA100A2.pdf

G/SPS/N/TPKM/596 Chinese Taipei 09/20/2022 Draft Amendment for "The Use Restrictions and Labeling Requirements of 2'-fucosyllactose Produced by Genetically Modified Escherichia coli strain BL21 (DE3) #1540 as a Food Ingredient" and "The Use Restrictions and Labeling Requirements of 2'-fucosyllactose Produced by Genetically Modified Escherichia coli strain K-12 DH1 MDO MAP1001d as a Food Ingredient". NTPKM596.pdf

G/SPS/N/CAN/1442/Add.1 Canada 09/20/2022 Established Maximum Residue Limit: Hexythiazox NCAN1442A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2047/Add.1 Brazil 09/20/2022 Draft Resolution number 1096, 2 June 2022 NBRA2047A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2044/Add.1 Brazil 09/20/2022 Draft resolution number 1095, 12 May 2022 NBRA2044A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2041/Add.1 Brazil 09/20/2022 Draft Resolution number 1094, 5 May 2022 NBRA2041A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2037/Add.1 Brazil 09/20/2022 Draft Resolution number 1091, 20 April 2022 NBRA2037A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2036/Add.1 Brazil 09/20/2022 Draft Resolution number 1090, 20 April 2022 NBRA2036A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2031/Add.1 Brazil 09/20/2022 Draft Resolution number 1083, 17 March 2022 NBRA2031A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2030/Add.1 Brazil 09/20/2022 Draft Resolution number 1084, 17 March 2022 NBRA2030A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2029/Add.1 Brazil 09/20/2022 Draft Resolution number 1085, 17 March 2022 NBRA2029A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2028/Add.1 Brazil 09/20/2022 Draft Resolution number 1086, 18 March 2022 NBRA2028A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2027/Add.1 Brazil 09/20/2022 Draft Resolution number 1087, 18 March 2022 NBRA2027A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2026/Add.1 Brazil 09/20/2022 Draft Resolution number 1088, 24 March 2022 NBRA2026A1.pdf

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