Mã WTO Quốc gia Ngày thông báo Tiêu đề File
G/SPS/N/VNM/56 Viet Nam 23/05/2014 Draft Circular on Promulgation of pest risk analysis procedures for plants and plant origin products before being imported into Viet Nam NVNM56.pdf

Draft Circular of pest risk analysis VNM 56_Vie.pdf
G/SPS/N/VNM/55 Viet Nam 15/05/2014 Circular on Maximum Residue Limits of Pesticides in Food NVNM55.pdf

Draft cicular chemical on foods VNM55_Vie.pdf
G/SPS/N/VNM/54 Viet Nam 09/05/2014 Circular on Revision of the Circular guiding the management of food additives NVNM54.pdf

VNM 54 - Draft Circular Amending 27_2012.pdf
G/SPS/N/VNM/59/Add.1 Viet Nam 21/04/2014 Circular on guidance of food safety control for imported foodstuffs of plant origin in Viet Nam (Circular Ref. 12/2015/TT-BNNPTNT dated 16 March 2015) NVNM59A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/VNM/53 Viet Nam 15/04/2014 Draft Circular promulgating the List of regulated articles and regulated articles subject to pest risk analysis before importing into Viet Nam draft circular VNM53.pdf

draft circular VNM53_Eng.doc
G/SPS/N/VNM/52 Viet Nam 21/02/2014 Circular on Regulation on risk assessment and management to alive fisheries to be imported as food NVNM52.doc

Circular on RM fisheries import.pdf
G/SPS/N/VNM/51 Viet Nam 02/09/2013 Circular on approval process of issuing and revocation of the certificate for genetically modified plants to be used as food, feed NVNM51.pdf

Thong tu food_feed_EN_Gui VP SPS_29Aug.pdf
G/SPS/N/VNM/49 Viet Nam 12/07/2013 National technical regulation. Animal feeding stuffs - Maximum level of mycotoxins, heavy metals and microorganisms in completed and concentrated feeds for pigs NVNM49.pdf

Du thao QCVN cho heo-06.05.2013_VNM49.pdf
G/SPS/N/VNM/50 Viet Nam 12/07/2013 National technical regulation. Animal feeding stuffs - Maximum level of mycotoxins, heavy metals and microorganisms in completed and concentrated feeds for ducks and Muscovy ducks NVNM50.pdf

Du thap QCVN Vit ngan - 06.05.2013_VNM50.pdf
G/SPS/N/VNM/47 Viet Nam 12/07/2013 National technical regulation of animal feed - Maximum level of mycotoxins, heavy metals and microorganisms in concentrate feeds for cattle NVNM47.pdf

Du thao QCVN cho Bo- 06.05.2013_VNM47.pdf
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