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G/SPS/N/VNM/80/Corr.1 Viet Nam 02/06/2016 Draft Circular providing regulation on quarantine of aquatic animals and fishery products; Correction NVNM80C1.pdf

G/SPS/N/VNM/79 Viet Nam 19/05/2016 Draft Circular providing regulations on quarantine of terrestrial animals and terrestrial animal products Circular on quantantine of terrestrial animals and terrestrial animals products.zip

G/SPS/N/VNM/80 Viet Nam 19/05/2016 Draft Decree providing regulation on quarantine of aquatic animals and fishery products Circular on quarantine of animals and aquatic animal's products.pdf

G/SPS/N/VNM/78 Viet Nam 11/05/2016 Draft Decree on state management on animal and aquaculture feed Decree 08 on aninal feed management.pdf

G/SPS/N/VNM/77 Viet Nam 18/04/2016 Draft Decree regulates conditions of producing, selling, advertising, testing of food, and designates organizations to certify compliance, to conduct state inspection on food safety for imported food belonging to the responsibility of the Ministry of Health NVNM77.pdf

Decree on Food import belong to reponbisility of MOH.pdf
G/SPS/N/VNM/76 Viet Nam 31/03/2016 Draft of Circular on list of veterinary drugs permitted and list of veterinary drugs prohibited for circulation in Viet Nam Circular on list of veterary drugs permitted.rar

G/SPS/N/VNM/75 Viet Nam 31/03/2016 Draft of Circular regulating the management of veterinary drugs NVNM75.pdf

Draft circular on regulation of veterinary drugs_vie.pdf
G/SPS/N/VNM/74 Viet Nam 13/01/2016 Draft of Decree guiding the implementation of the Veterinary Law Draft_Decree_VeterinaryLaw.pdf

G/SPS/N/VNM/73 Viet Nam 27/11/2015 List and concentration of antibiotics, drugs permitted NVNM73.pdf

Circular on Llist of antibiotic use in feed-VNM73.doc
G/SPS/N/VNM/72 Viet Nam 05/11/2015 Circular promulgates national technical regulation amending and supplementing some provisions of the national technical regulation QCVN 5-1: 2010/BYT for liquid milk products issued by Circular No.30/2010/TT-BYT dated 2 Jun 2010 by the Ministry of Health Circular on QCVN512010 for fluid milk pro_VNM72.rar

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