Mã WTO Quốc gia Ngày thông báo Tiêu đề File
G/SPS/N/BRA/1566/Add.4 Brazil 16/10/2023 Draft resolution No. 707, 13 September 2019, regarding the nutrition labelling for packaged food NBRA1566A4.pdf

G/SPS/N/UKR/200/Rev.1 Ukraine 13/10/2023 Daft Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine "On Approval of Safety Indicators (Requirements) on Food Flavors, Safety Indicators (Requirements) on Food Additives and Safety Indicators (Requirements) on Food Enzymes". NUKR200R1.pdf

G/SPS/N/UGA/279 Uganda 13/10/2023 DUS DARS 1107:2023, Freshwater aquatic animal production farms - Good aquaculture practices, First edition. NUUGA279.pdf

G/SPS/N/TUR/119/Add.3 Turkey 13/10/2023 Emergency phytosanitary measures for the import of tomato, pepper and pumpkin seeds NTUR119A3.pdf

G/SPS/N/UKR/214 Ukraine 12/10/2023 Draft Law of Ukraine "On Making Available on the Market and Use of Biocidal Products" NUKR214.pdf

G/SPS/N/UGA/278 Uganda 12/10/2023 DUS DARS 1106: 2023, Tilapia farming - Good Aquaculture Practices, First Edition NUGA278.pdf

G/SPS/N/THA/677 Thailand 12/10/2023 The DLD order on temporary suspension of the importation or transit of live domestic pigs and wild pigs and their carcasses from Vietnam to prevent the spread of African Swine Fever. NTHA677.pdf

G/SPS/N/EU/666/Add.1 European Union 12/10/2023 Food additives nitrites (E 249-250) and nitrates (E 251-252) NEU666A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/CAN/1534 Canada 12/10/2023 Proposed Maximum Residue Limit: Pyriofenone (PMRL2023-44 NCAN1534.pdf

G/SPS/N/TZA/306 Tanzania, United Republic of 10/10/2023 PCD 450:2023, Seaweed based jam - Specification, First Edition NTZA306.pdf

G/SPS/N/TZA/305 Tanzania, United Republic of 10/10/2023 PCD 451:2023, Seaweed based pickle - Specification, First Edition NTZA305.pdf

G/SPS/N/TZA/304 Tanzania, United Republic of 10/10/2023 PCD 452:2023, Seaweed based chilli sauce - Specification, First Edition. L NTZA304.pdf

G/SPS/N/TZA/303 Tanzania, United Republic of 10/10/2023 PCD 512:2023, Canned peas - specification, First Edition. NTZA303.pdf

G/SPS/N/TZA/302 Tanzania, United Republic of 10/10/2023 PCD 513:2023, Food grade monosodium L- glutamate - specification, First Edition NTZA302.pdf

G/SPS/N/NZL/744 New Zealand 10/10/2023 Import Health Standard for Shelf-stable Petfoods Containing Animal Products, clause 7.12 NNZL744.pdf

G/SPS/N/CHE/97 Switzerland 10/10/2023 FDHA ordinance on foodstuffs intended for persons with special nutritional needs (Ordonnance du DFI sur les denrées alimentaires destinées aux personnes ayant des besoins nutritionnels particuliers). NCHE97.pdf

G/SPS/N/USA/3427 United States 09/10/2023 "Cypermethrin" Pesticide Tolerances. Final Rule NUSA3427.pdf

G/SPS/N/GBR/44 United Kingdom 09/10/2023 The Official Controls (Import of High Risk Food and Feed of Non-Animal Origin) (Amendment of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793) (England) Regulations 2024; The Official Controls (Import of High Risk Food and Feed of Non-Animal Origin) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2024; The Official Controls (Import of High-Risk Food and Feed of Non-Animal Origin) (Amendment of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793) (Wales) Regulations 2024. Legislation to follow in addenda when available. NGBR44.pdf

G/SPS/N/UKR/213 Ukraine 06/10/2023 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1013 "On Amendments to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 398 of 1 April 2022" of 22 September 2023 NUKR213.pdf

G/SPS/N/UKR/212 Ukraine 06/10/2023 Draft Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine "On Approval of Special Requirements for Plastic Materials and Articles Intended to Come into Contact with Foodstuffs". NUKR212.pdf

G/SPS/N/UKR/210/Add.1 Ukraine 06/10/2023 Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Rules for Transportation of Animals" NUKR210A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/MKD/20 North Macedonia 06/10/2023 Rulebook on the manner of performing official controls of food of animal origin NMKD20.pdf

G/SPS/N/EU/684 European Union 06/10/2023 Commission Delegated Regulation supplementing Regulation (EU) 2019/4 of the European Parliament and of the Council by establishing specific maximum levels of cross-contamination of antimicrobial active substances in nontarget feed and methods of analysis for these substances in feed NEU684.pdf

G/SPS/N/TPKM/614/Add.1 Chinese Taipei 05/10/2023 Use Restrictions and Labeling Requirements of Liquid Mycelia Culture Powder of Morel Mushroom (Morchella esculenta) as a Food Ingredient NTPKM614A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/PER/1019 Peru 05/10/2023 Resolución Jefatural No. 0200-2023-MINAGRI-SENASA NPER1019.pdf

G/SPS/N/KEN/232 Kenya 05/10/2023 DKS 2086: 2023 Varieties blend milled rice — Specification NKEN232.pdf

G/SPS/N/KEN/231 Kenya 05/10/2023 DKS 2087: 2023 Kenya pishori milled rice — Specification NKEN231.pdf

G/SPS/N/EU/683 European Union 05/10/2023 Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/1069 of 1 June 2023 amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No. 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for bixafen, cyprodinil, fenhexamid, fenpicoxamid, fenpyroximate, flutianil, isoxaflutole, mandipropamid, methoxyfenozide, and spinetoram in or on certain products NEU683.pdf

G/SPS/N/EU/645/Add.1 European Union 05/10/2023 Food additive stearyl tartrate (E 483) NEU645A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/CAN/1533 Canada 05/10/2023 Notice of Modification to the List of Permitted Food Enzymes to Enable the Use of Pectinesterase from Aspergillus oryzae AR-962 and Polygalacturonase from Aspergillus oryzae AR-183 in Certain Fruit and Vegetable Products NCAN1533.pdf

G/SPS/N/KOR/787 Republic of Korea 04/10/2023 Proposed amendments to the Standards and Specifications for Food Additives. NKOR787.pdf

G/SPS/N/JPN/1198/Add.1 Japan 04/10/2023 Amendments of standards and specifications of Formic acid NJPN1198A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2194/Add.1 Brazil 04/10/2023 Draft Resolution 1174, 6 July 2023 NBRA2194A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2183/Add.1 Brazil 04/10/2023 Draft Resolution 1171, 22 June 2023 NBRA2183A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2165/Add.1 Brazil 04/10/2023 Draft Resolution 1162, 18 May 2023 NBRA2165A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2100/Add.1 Brazil 04/10/2023 Resolution - RDC No. 723, 1 July 2022 NBRA2100A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/USA/3123/Corr.2 United States 02/10/2023 Cyromazine; Pesticide Tolerances. Final Rule NUSA3123C2.pdf

G/SPS/N/UKR/211 Ukraine 02/10/2023 Draft Order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine "On Approval of the Procedure for State Registration of Food Establishments, Maintenance of the State Register of Business Operators and Their Establishments". NUKR211.pdf

G/SPS/N/MAR/103 MAROC 02/10/2023 Arrêté conjoint du ministre de l'agriculture, de la pêche maritime, du développement rural et des eaux et forêts, et du ministre de la santé et de la protection sociale, modifiant l'arrêté conjoint du ministre de l'agriculture, de la pêche maritime, du développement rural et des eaux et forêts, et du ministre de la santé et de la protection sociale, No. 1289-22 du 10 mai 2022, fixant la liste des produits microbiologiquement très périssables, leur date limite de consommation et la température de leur conservation NMAR103.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2185/Add.1 Brazil 02/10/2023 Draft Resolution 1173, 30 June 2023 NBRA2185A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2184/Add.1 Brazil 02/10/2023 Draft Resolution 1172, 29 June 2023 NBRA2184A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/BRA/2174/Add.1 Brazil 02/10/2023 Draft Resolution 1169, 1 June 2023 NBRA2174A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/JPN/1183/Add.1 Japan 28/09/2023 Specifications and Standards for Foods, Food Additives, Etc. under the Food Sanitation Act (Revision of agricultural chemical residue standards, final rule) NJPN1183A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/JPN/1182/Add.1 Japan 28/09/2023 Specifications and Standards for Foods, Food Additives, etc. under the Food Sanitation Act (Revision of agricultural chemical residue standards, final rule). NJPN1182A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/JPN/1181/Add.1 Japan 28/09/2023 Specifications and Standards for Foods, Food Additives, etc. under the Food Sanitation Act (Revision of agricultural chemical residue standards, final rule). NJPN1181A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/JPN/1180/Add.1 Japan 28/09/2023 Specifications and Standards for Foods, Food Additives, etc. under the Food Sanitation Act (Revision of agricultural chemical residue standards, final rule). NJPN1180A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/JPN/1178/Add.1 Japan 28/09/2023 Specifications and Standards for Foods, Food Additives, etc. under the Food Sanitation Act (Revision of agricultural chemical residue standards, final rule). NJPN1178A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/JPN/1177/Add.1 Japan 28/09/2023 The Ordinance for Enforcement of the Food Sanitation Act and Specifications and Standards for Foods, Food Additives, etc. under the Food Sanitation Act (The authorization of food additive and the establishment of food additive specifications and standards, final rule). NJPN1177AA1.pdf

G/SPS/N/JPN/1176/Add.1 Japan 28/09/2023 Specifications and Standards for Foods, Food Additives, etc. under the Food Sanitation Act (final rule). NJPN1176A1.pdf

G/SPS/N/EU/682 European Union 28/09/2023 Draft Commission Implementing Regulation concerning the denial of authorisation of a preparation of astaxanthin-rich Phaffia rhodozyma NEU682.pdf

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