Thông báo - Thông báo của các nước thành viên: Commission Implementing Decision amending Annexes I to V to Council Directive 2000/29/EC on protective measures against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants or plant products and against their spread within the Community.

Ngày thông báo 13/02/2017
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Tiêu đề Commission Implementing Decision amending Annexes I to V to Council Directive 2000/29/EC on protective measures against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants or plant products and against their spread within the Community.
Tóm tắt

This  text  introduces  amendments  to  the  Annexes  of  the  EU Plant  Health  Directive  (Council  Directive  2000/29/EC)  listing  the  EU  regulated  harmful organisms (quarantine plant pests) as well as to the Annexes laying down provisions for the  introduction  into,  and  movement  within,  the  Union  of  plants,  plant  products  and  other objects. 
Import  requirements  for  plants  or  plant  products  of  the  following  plant  orders/families/genera/species are introduced or are amended:
Amelanchier Medik.; Aronia Medik.; Begonia L.; Capsicum (L.); Choisya Kunth; Citrus L.; Cotoneaster  Medik.;  Crataegus  L.;  Cydonia  Mill.;  Dipladenia  A.DC.;  Ficus  L.; Fortunella Swingle;  Hibiscus  L.;  Mandevilla  Lindl.;  Malus  Mill;  Microcitrus  Swingle; Murraya  J.  Koenig  ex  L.;  Naringi  Adans.;  Nerium  oleander  L.;  Pinus  L.;  Platanus  L.; Poncirus  Raf.;  Punica  granatum  L.;  Prunus  L.;  Pyracantha  M.  Roem.;  Pyrus  L.; Solanum lycopersicum  L.;  Solanum  melongena  L.;  Sorbus  L.;  Swinglea  Merr.  and Palmae,  intended for  planting, having a diameter  of  the stem  at the base  of  over 5 cm and  belonging  to  the  following  taxa:  Areca  catechu  L.,  Arenga  pinnata  (Wurmb)  Merr., Bismarckia  Hildebr.  &  H.Wendl.,  Borassus  flabellifer  L.,  Brahea  Mart.,  Butia  Becc., Calamus  merrillii  Becc.,  Caryota  maxima  Blume,  Caryota  cumingii  Lodd.  ex  Mart., Chamaerops  L.,  Cocos  nucifera  L.,  Copernicia  Mart.,  Corypha  utan  Lam., Elaeis guineensis  Jacq.,  Howea  forsteriana  Becc.,  Jubaea  Kunth,  Livistona  R.  Br., Metroxylon  sagu  Rottb.,  Phoenix  L.,  Pritchardia  Seem.  &  H.Wendl.,  Ravenea  rivularis Jum.  &  H.Perrier,  Roystonea  regia  (Kunth)  O.  F.  Cook,  Sabal  Adans.,  Syagrus  Mart., Trachycarpus H. Wendl., Trithrinax Mart., Washingtonia Raf. 
Further  modifications  of  import  requirements  concern  the  following  general  classes  of plants  and  plant  products:  plants  intended  for  planting,  plants  with  roots;  plants  of herbaceous species, wood, wood packaging material and fruits and vegetables.

Sản phẩm Numerous positions under chapters 6 (Live trees and other plants), 7 (Edible vegetables), 8 (Edible fruit) and 44 (Wood and articles of wood)
Quốc gia European Union

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