Thông báo - Thông báo của các nước thành viên: Quarantine Requirements for the Importation of Live Fish and Their Gametes and Fertilized Eggs

Ngày thông báo 03/03/2017
Loại thông báo Bình thường
Tiêu đề Quarantine Requirements for the Importation of Live Fish and Their Gametes and Fertilized Eggs
Tóm tắt

 The  Requirements  regulate  the  importation  of  live  fish,  their gametes and fertilized eggs. The main points of the amendments include:
1.  For  consignments  granted  importing  approval  by  the  competent  authority  of aquaculture  as  part  of  its  national  genetic  renewal  project  or  for  specific  research purposes,  post-entry  quarantine  and  testing  may  be  the  alternatives  to  the requirement  of  being  accompanied  by  an  original  health  certificate  issued  by  the exporting country attesting to the health status of the consignments;
2.  The  deletion  of  one  fish  species  from  the  designated  quarantine  items  and  the addition of 10 fish species into the designated quarantine items in order to conform to  the  latest  version  of  the  OIE  Aquatic  Animal  Health  Code  and  the  Manual  of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals.

Sản phẩm Live fish, their gametes and fertilized eggs
Quốc gia Chinese Taipei

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