Thông báo - Thông báo của các nước thành viên: Standard for Uses of Food Coloring in Foodstuffs

Ngày thông báo 27/11/2017
Loại thông báo Bình thường
Tiêu đề Standard for Uses of Food Coloring in Foodstuffs
Tóm tắt

In Macao, China, Law No. 5/2013 (Food Safety Law) provides in Article  7  that  the  production  and  marketing  of  foodstuffs  must  comply  with  food  safety standards  and  that  these  standards  are  defined  by  complementary  administrative regulations.
The  Administrative  Regulation  No.  30/2017  "Normas  relativas  à  utilização  de  corantes alimentares em géneros alimentícios" (Standard for Uses of Food Coloring in Foodstuffs) is a food safety standard that sets the provision of uses of food coloring in foodstuffs. In this standard, food coloring refers to a category of food additives which adds or restores color in food. This administrative regulation stipulates species of food coloring permitted for use in foodstuffs in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice and defines the scope of their application  in  food.  The  standard  also  prohibits  the  use  of  food  coloring  in  the  following foodstuffs: (1) Meat, poultry and game meat, aquatic products, vegetables or fruit, raw or unprocessed, unless it is intended for marking or used on citrus peels; (2) Infant formula, infant formula for special medical purposes and food supplements intended for infants and young  children.  The  use  of  food  coloring  that  are  not  permitted  under  the  second paragraph of Article 1 of this regulation shall be prohibited.

Sản phẩm Food
Quốc gia Macao, China

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