Thông báo - Thông báo của các nước thành viên: Draft Amendment of Public Notice related to the enforcement of "Transboundary Movement, Etc. of Living Modified Organisms Act" (hereinafter "the Act"). Regulation Title: (Ministry of Oceans & Fisheries, MOF) Draft Amendment of Public Notice of the Korean Government related to Transboundary Movement, Etc. of Living Modified Organisms (LMOs)

Ngày thông báo 15/01/2018
Loại thông báo Bình thường
Tiêu đề Draft Amendment of Public Notice related to the enforcement of "Transboundary Movement, Etc. of Living Modified Organisms Act" (hereinafter "the Act"). Regulation Title: (Ministry of Oceans & Fisheries, MOF) Draft Amendment of Public Notice of the Korean Government related to Transboundary Movement, Etc. of Living Modified Organisms (LMOs)
Tóm tắt

This public notice is to make the Act consistent with its primary laws or other provisions mentioned in the public notice and to revise other details: making compulsory the application for risk assessment of new marine and fisheries LMOs, which is being defined as discretionary with regard to their safety management; and, if marine and fisheries LMOs are imported without license, discarding or returning those imported LMOs regardless of their proportion.
A.  To  make  compulsory  the  application  for  the  risk  assessment  of  new  LMOs,  which  is being defined as discretionary, the same as in Article 7(2) of the Act. (Article 7-1);
B.  If  marine  and  fisheries  LMOs  are  imported  along  with  other  living  organisms  without license, such LMOs should be discarded or returned regardless of their proportion just as  the  unapproved  or  unreported  LMOs  are  treated  under  Article  7-36  of  the  Act. 
(Article 7-15);
C.  To  add  research  and  production  process  facilities  so  that  the  scope  of  follow-up management of marine and fisheries LMOs can be consistent with the scope defined in Article 36 of the Act. (Article 7-27);
D.  To  add  the  procedure  to  notify  the  inspection  result  of  the  imported  marine  and fisheries LMOs. (Article 7-33).

Sản phẩm Living Modified Organisms (LMOs)
Quốc gia Republic of Korea

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