Thông báo - Thông báo của các nước thành viên: Notice of Modification to the List of Permitted Preservatives to Increase the Maximum Level of Use of Calcium Propionate and Potassium Sorbate in Roti – Reference Number: NOM/ADM-0115.

Ngày thông báo 11/06/2018
Loại thông báo Bình thường
Tiêu đề Notice of Modification to the List of Permitted Preservatives to Increase the Maximum Level of Use of Calcium Propionate and Potassium Sorbate in Roti – Reference Number: NOM/ADM-0115.
Tóm tắt

Health Canada's Food Directorate received a food additive submission seeking an increase in the maximum level of use of calcium propionate and potassium sorbate, respectively, in roti, a traditional flatbread.
Calcium propionate and potassium sorbate have already been permitted as preservatives in roti, an unstandardized food, at maximum levels of 2,000 parts per million (p.p.m.) (calculated as propionic acid) and 1,000 p.p.m (calculated as sorbic acid), respectively.
These levels were requested to be increased to 4000 p.p.m. and 5000 p.p.m., respectively, the same levels that are permitted in soft flour tortillas, a flatbread similar to roti, to increase the shelf life of roti.
Health Canada did not identify any food safety concerns with permitting roti to contain these preservatives at the same levels that are permitted in soft flour tortillas. Therefore, as explained in the information document below, the Department has increased the maximum level use of calcium propionate and potassium sorbate in roti by modifying Part 3 of the List of Permitted Preservatives, effective 25 May 2018.
The purpose of this communication is to publically announce the Department's decision in this regard and to provide contact information for inquiries or for those wishing to submit new scientific information relevant to the safety of these food additives.

Sản phẩm Calcium propionate and potassium sorbate (ICS Codes: 67.220.20)
Quốc gia Canada

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