Thông báo - Thông báo của các nước thành viên: Draft Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) Resolution "Regulating the plant quarantine system for imports, re-imports and international transit operations, and the phytosanitary certification system for exports, re-exports and the issuance of phytosanitary certificates for plants, plant products and other regulated articles"

Ngày thông báo 02/08/2018
Loại thông báo Bình thường
Tiêu đề Draft Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) Resolution "Regulating the plant quarantine system for imports, re-imports and international transit operations, and the phytosanitary certification system for exports, re-exports and the issuance of phytosanitary certificates for plants, plant products and other regulated articles"
Tóm tắt

The  notified  draft  Resolution  regulates  the  plant  quarantine system for imports, re-imports and international transit operations, and the phytosanitary certification  system  for  exports,  re-exports  and  the  issuance  of  phytosanitary  certificates for plants, plant products and other regulated articles.
The  notified  draft  Resolution  covers  the  following:  Purpose;  Scope;  Definitions; Establishment  of  plant  quarantine  and  phytosanitary  certification  systems;  Plant quarantine  system  for  imports,  re-imports  and  international  transit  operations; Phytosanitary  certification  for  exports,  re-exports  and  the  issuance  of  phytosanitary certificates;  Document  on  phytosanitary  requirements  for  imports;  Phytosanitary inspection  requests;  Document  inspection;  Phytosanitary  certificates;  Physical  inspection, interception  or  suspected  presence  of  pests  during  physical  inspection;  Issuance  of technical  reports;  Issuance  of  phytosanitary  certificates  for  customs  clearance;  Reimportation  requests;  Phytosanitary  inspection  for  re-importation;  Requests  for international  transit  operations;  Phytosanitary  inspection  for  international  transit operations; Sites for the storage of international transit shipments; Authorized duration of international  transit;  Safety  requirements  for  international  transit  shipments;  Export certification  criteria;  Phytosanitary  certificate  requests;  Phytosanitary  inspection  for exports  and  the  issuance  of  phytosanitary  certificates;  Requests  for  the  replacement  of phytosanitary  certificates;  Requests  for  re-exportation;  Phytosanitary  inspection  for re-exports  and  the  issuance  of  phytosanitary  certificates;  Plant  material  subject  to quarantine;  Plant  material  for  exhibition  fairs;  Post  offices,  bonded  warehouses  and free-trade  zones;  Obligations;  Disposal  of  residues;  Cooperation;  Official  control;  and Penalties.

Sản phẩm Plants, plant products and other regulated articles.
Quốc gia Colombia

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