Thông báo - Thông báo của các nước thành viên: Draft MOPH Notification, B.E..., entitled "Enzymes for Food Processing".

Ngày thông báo 12/11/2018
Loại thông báo Bình thường
Tiêu đề Draft MOPH Notification, B.E..., entitled "Enzymes for Food Processing".
Tóm tắt

Enzymes  for  food  processing  are  now  covered  by  the  MOPH Notification  No.  281  B.E.  2547  (2004)  Re:  Food  Additives.  Enzymes,  other  than  those approved  by  Codex  General  Standard  for  Food  Additives,  are  required  to  have  safety evaluations  before  they are  allowed  for  use in food production. Due to differences between information requirements of  enzymes  and  other chemical food additives, the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) is proposing the notification on Enzymes for Food Processing.
This  notification  sets  the  rules  for  industrial  enzymes  intended  to  be  used  in  food processing  both  as  food  additives  and  processing  aids.  However,  the  scope  of  this notification excludes: enzymes for nutritional purposes; enzymes produced by traditional microbial cultures during fermentation;  and  enzymes used exclusively in the production of food additives or processing aids.
Enzymes for food processing should be qualified as follows:
•  Enzyme  activity  is  over  85  percent  of  informed  enzyme  activity.  No  genetic engineering microbes in 1 g (for enzymes derived from genetic engineering microbes). 
Quality and safety are under the following conditions:
3.1  Compliance  with Codex Advisory Specification for the Identity and Purity of Food Additive
3.2  Compliance  with  General  specification  and  considerations  for  enzyme preparations used in food processing as follows:
-  Salmonella spp.: Absent in 25g sample
-  Total coliforms: Not more than 30MPN/g
-  Escherichia coli: Absent in 25g sample 
-  Lead: not more than 5mg/kg
-  Antibiotic Activity: Absent in preparations from microbial sources.

Sản phẩm Enzymes for food processing or food enzymes
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