Thông báo - Thông báo của các nước thành viên: Draft of Standards for Pesticide Residue Limits in Foods and Standards for Pesticide Residue Limits in Animal Products.

Ngày thông báo 11/07/2019
Loại thông báo Bình thường
Tiêu đề Draft of Standards for Pesticide Residue Limits in Foods and Standards for Pesticide Residue Limits in Animal Products.
Tóm tắt

 Amendment  of  pesticide  MRLs  for  Amisulbrom,  Cyazofamid, Dimethomorph,  Etoxazole,  Fenpyroximate,  Flonicamid,  Fluopyram,  Kasugamycin, Metconazole and Penconazole in  fruits, vegetables and  dry beans.  Amendment of pesticide MRLs  for  Azoxystrobin,  Carbendazim,  Carbosulfan,  Chlorfenapyr,  Deltamethrin, Flufenoxuron, Fluvalinate, Methomyl and Tebuconazole in bee pollen.

Sản phẩm Draft of Standards for Pesticide Residue Limits in Foods and Standards for Pesticide Residue Limits in Animal Products.
Quốc gia Chinese Taipei

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Bản tin SPS Việt Nam

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         Bui Duc Toan
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