Thông báo - Thông báo của các nước thành viên: Veterinary Import Conditions for Pork and Pork Products.

Ngày thông báo 14/10/2019
Loại thông báo Bình thường
Tiêu đề Veterinary Import Conditions for Pork and Pork Products.
Tóm tắt

The Veterinary Import Conditions for Pork  and Pork  Products have been reviewed and amended as follows:
1.  Included  the  text  "African  Swine  Fever  (ASF)  and  Classical  Swine  Fever  (CSF)  are notifiable diseases in the country of export."
2.  Amended text on animal disease freedom status from:
o  "Country/zone  has  been  free  of  Foot  and  Mouth  Disease  (FMD)  with  or  without vaccination,  ASF  and  CSF  for  three  months  immediately  prior  to  the  date  of slaughter and the date of export."
o  "Country/zone  has  been  free  of  Foot  and  Mouth  Disease  (FMD)  with  or  without vaccination,  African  Swine  Fever,  Swine  Vesicular  Disease  and  Classical  Swine Fever for six months immediately prior to the date of slaughter and the date of export."
3.  Amended text on ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection from:
o  "The meat has been derived from animals which have  passed  ante-mortem  and post-mortem  inspection  and  found  to  be  free  from  any  sign  suggestive  of  ASF, CSF or other infectious and contagious diseases. Ante-mortem and post-mortem inspections have been carried out by veterinarians or meat inspectors under direct supervision of government veterinarians."
o  "The meat has been derived from animals which have passed  ante-mortem  and post-mortem  inspection  and  found  to  be  free  from  infectious  and  contagious diseases.  Ante-mortem  and  post-mortem  inspections  have  been  carried  out  by veterinarians  or  meat  inspectors  under  direct  supervision  of  government veterinarians."
4.  Amended text on source of meat from:
o  "The  meat  has  been  derived  from  animals  which  were  slaughtered,  processed, packed and stored under sanitary conditions under official veterinary supervision

Sản phẩm Pork and pork products (HS Codes: 0203, 0206, 0210, 1602)
Quốc gia Singapore

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Bản tin SPS Việt Nam

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