Thông báo - Thông báo của các nước thành viên: Proposed Amendments to the Regulation on the Inspection for Imported Food Products, etc..

Ngày thông báo 10/03/2023
Loại thông báo Bình thường
Tiêu đề Proposed Amendments to the Regulation on the Inspection for Imported Food Products, etc..
Tóm tắt

: The main proposed amendment seeks to:

A. Improve the inspection procedures, etc., for the agricultural products that are imported in bulk shipments;

B. Establish the application process for the expedited approval of the notification on the raw materials that are used for self-manufacturing purposes (food additive flavoring, raw materials for refining/processing);

C. Stipulate the processing procedure for cases where re-declaration for importation is notified after voluntary withdrawal (or return by the MFDS) for random sampling test;

D. Revise the name and adjust the items for the agricultural products that may be used for purposes other than as food products;

E. Adjust the number of pesticides that are test items for the laboratory inspections conducted on the newly imported agricultural products by reflecting the noncompliance records, etc.;

F. Adjust the list of food products, etc., that the Minister of Food and Drug Safety recognizes as safe by reflecting the non-compliance records.

Sản phẩm Foods
Quốc gia Republic of Korea

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Bản tin SPS Việt Nam

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