Thông báo - Thông báo của các nước thành viên: Proposed Amendments to Criteria in performing the Procedures for the Import Sanitation Assessment on Livestock Products.

Ngày thông báo 07/05/2024
Loại thông báo Bình thường
Tiêu đề Proposed Amendments to Criteria in performing the Procedures for the Import Sanitation Assessment on Livestock Products.
Tóm tắt

As the import sanitation assessment for animal products will be initiated resulting from the revision of the Special Act on Imported Food Safety Control, this is to modify the title of the established rule and to adjust provisions prescribing the procedures for the import sanitation assessment:

− The title of the established rule, the "Criteria in performing the Procedures for the Import Sanitation Assessment on Livestock Products", is replaced with the "Criteria in performing the Procedures for the Import Sanitation Assessment on Livestock Products and Animal Products".

Sản phẩm Animal products
Quốc gia Republic of Korea

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Tài liệu/Hướng dẫn

Bản tin SPS Việt Nam

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