Thông báo - Thông báo của các nước thành viên: Resolution 866, 10 May 2024

Mã WTO G/SPS/N/BRA/2303/Add.1
Ngày thông báo 07/06/2024
Loại thông báo Bình thường
Tiêu đề Resolution 866, 10 May 2024
Tóm tắt

Resolution 866, 10 May 2024 - previously notified through G/SPS/N/BRA/2303 - was changed by Resolution 874, 27 May 2024. The regulation contains provisions on exceptional and temporary actions to be adopted by the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) for the international donation of food exempt from market registration, cosmetics, hygiene products and sanitizing products subject to health inspection, to combat the state of public calamity resulting from events climate in the State of Rio Grande do Sul.


The final text is available only in Portuguese and can be downloaded at: 9e1c-85bfb75e906a

Sản phẩm
Quốc gia Brazil

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